Friday, February 19, 2010

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Left Behind

Left Behind Series

The left behind books consists of 16 books: one non-fiction book written by Tim LaHaye, fifteen fiction books written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.

The books in chronological order: The Rising, The Regime, The Rapture, Left Behind, Tribulation Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark, Desecration, The Remnant, Armageddon, Glorious Appearing, Kingdom Come.

The non-fiction book is a detailed, argumentative, pro and con presentation of scripture references that explain the various theories of when the rapture occurs. A must read for the theological students, those who want to be able to teach or debate the various theories. All others may skip this book. The only thing you really need to understand is that LaHaye supports the pre-tribulation rapture theory. The scripture references in Left Behind support this theory.

The fifteen fiction books are extremely interesting with well developed characters that come alive though the challenging events that occur in their lives with at least three story lines (on average) in each chapter. The main characters are introduced with a description and categorized in each book. This enables you to read them out of sequence.

Each book deals with a specific section of the tribulation events described in the book of Revelations from the New King James version of the Bible. The writers have divided and presented the events of the tribulation is such a way that the reader absorbs the details without effort as they follow the lives of the characters.

It is amazing that the publication sequence is quite different from the chronological sequence. The Left Behind book was written first with the first three books (The Rising, The Regime, The Rapture) actually following the Glorious Appearing. The Kingdom Come was written last.

Carol A.