Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Heathens

Little Heathens: Hard times and high spirits on an Iowa farm during the Great Depression by Mildred Armstrong Kalish

Little Heathens is the term used by the author's grandmother to show her disapproval of the behavior of the children in this book. In a time where hard work and respect for elders was paramount, Kalish grew up on a farm during the Great Depression. While the time frame is significant to history, the author's childhood brings back fond memories of preparing meals, farm work, pets, and making due with what is available. I found this quick read to be a gentle reminder of how technology, money, and the speed of life now can take us further from living simply and enjoying what is around us. This is a "those were the days" kind of book in the sense that the reader is taken to a time where families were self sufficient and children respected their elders. On the other hand, Kalish shows the hard work involved in just making sure there was enough food on the table. If you're looking for some old fashioned recipes and cures, she has also included this information as well like the recipe for pheasants (disjoint four ring-neck pheasants...) and how to start a neverfail fire. A nice book for nostalgia as well as a peek into a world that today's children will never see.

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